Terms and Conditions

Shipments and returns

You can return your item within 14 days.

L’oggetto verrà rimborsato al 100% escluso i costi di spedizione

Ai sensi dell’art.5 del D.L.185/99 protezione dei consumatori, che regola i contratti a distanza, Adreanigioielli.com autorizza a rendere la merce acquistata, anche senza alcuna motivazione, l’importante è che la merce arrivi entro 14 giorni dal ricevimento della stessa.

Per esercitare il diritto di recesso dovete inviare una mail a info@adreanigioielli.com La restituzione della la merce, in un idoneo imballo che ne tuteli l’integrità, deve essere fatta alla Adreani Bijoux all’indirizzo Via Luigi Mangiagalli 5 -20133 Milano entro e non oltre 14gg dal ricevimento. Il nostro servizio clienti provvederà ad autorizzarvi al reso inviandovi l’etichetta per rispedire la merce a nostro carico .Valutata l’integrità della merce provvederemo a rimborsarVi la somma versata nel minor tempo possibile: il rimborso avverrà a mezzo bonifico bancario o PayPal e comunque entro 30 gg dal ricevimento della comunicazione di recesso.Nel caso che, per qualsiasi motivo vorrai sostituire la merce ricevuta con altra, è sufficiente, sempre entro 14 giorni, inviare un e-mail a info@adreanigioielli.com specificando la merce che vuoi rendere e quella che vuoi ricevere in sostituzione. Verranno applicati gli stessi criteri del reso totale ed entro 48 ore riceverai l’autorizzazione al reso con le indicazioni di come procedere. Nel caso in cui il modello in sostituzione costasse più o meno di quello gia pagato, ti verrà addebitata od accreditata la differenza. Sarà cura del cliente verificare che i colli pervenuti non siano stati manomessi e che non presentino segni di deterioramento.

Adreanigioielli.com does not accept the return of pierced earrings (for hygiene reasons we cannot accept the return of objects that have penetrated the skin) or objects that have been used, worn or damaged.

If you want to replace one or more Swarovski by yourself, you can purchase our kit.

For a quick repair of some Swarovski rhinestones, carefully follow the steps indicated on this instruction sheet and it will prove to be a very simple operation.

You can return your item within 14 days. The item will be refunded 100% excluding shipping costs Pursuant to art.5 of Legislative Decree 185/99 consumer protection, which regulates distance contracts, Adreanigioielli.com authorizes the return of the purchased goods, even without any reason, the important thing is that the goods arrive within 10 days of receipt thereof. To exercise the right of withdrawal you must send an email to info@adreanigioielli.com The return of the goods, in suitable packaging that protects their integrity, must be made to Adreani Sas at the address Via Luigi Mangiagalli 5 -20133 Milan by and no later than 10 days from receipt. Our customer service will authorize the return by sending you the label to send the goods back at our expense. The return of the goods, in suitable packaging that protects their integrity, must be made to Adreani Sas at the address Via Luigi Mangiagalli 5 -20133 Milan no later than 14 days from receipt. Having assessed the integrity of the goods, we will refund the sum paid as quickly as possible: the refund will be made by bank transfer or PayPal and in any case within 30 days of receiving the notice of withdrawal. In the event that, for any reason, you wish to replace the goods received with another, it is sufficient, always within 14 days, to send an e-mail to info@adreanigioielli.com specifying the goods you want to return and the one you want to receive as a replacement. The same criteria as for total returns will be applied and within 48 hours you will receive the return authorization with instructions on how to proceed. If the replacement model costs more or less than the one you already paid for, you will be charged or credited the difference. It will be the customer’s responsibility to verify that the packages received have not been tampered with and that they show no signs of deterioration. Adreanigioielli.com does not accept the return of pierced earrings (for hygiene reasons we cannot accept the return of objects that have penetrated the skin) or objects that have been used, worn or damaged.

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